IDEA GENERATION IN THE FIRST SESSION

At the beginning of the session in class, everyone was given a brief relating to their course. Art Portfolio 2 is different from Art Portfolio 1 in the sense that in Art Portfolio 2 the project outline is more specific and you are required to follow precise procedures. I was handed a brief and the project I am supposed to work on is social housing in Cromwell located in the United States of America. Cromwell was destroyed by a devastating fire outbreak which took the lives of many residents and also destroyed property. Therefore it is up to my Art Portfolio class to rebuild the city according to the projects all of us have been given. These are schools, cultural centres, and hospitals amongst others. The project I was giving was blocks of flats for Social housing. These are high-rise apartments designated to the residents of Cromwell where families can reside.

To begin the project, the initial step any designer must take is idea generation. Idea generation techniques come in many forms and methods but for this term, we used the mind map method in class. What is a mind map? According to the Collins dictionary, a mind map is a method of utilizing diagrams to represent thoughts and ideas which are centripetal towards the main concept. 

To lay my plans I made a mind map laying out the processes I would follow and the ideas I had about the theme of the social housing unit.

I had gone through my brief the day before on the learning zone to know what was in store for me this term. Therefore when I received a physical copy of my brief I just went through the points outlined as well as the outcomes I am supposed to produce on my blogs as well as the 3D and 2D outcomes. 

To make my mind map, I used a sheet of A3 paper as well as pencils and colour pencils which can be seen in the picture above. Then, I was not sure what my mind map was going to be based on so I was just brainstorming and racking my brain to figure out ideas. 

At this point in time, I had begun my mind map. The main theme of my mind map was to list out the basic objectives involved in the execution of my project as well as the themes and aims of the social housing blocks. 

After my design processes and brain-racking, this was the final outcome of my mind map. My mind map begins with the initial ideas and builds up to the final outcomes.

Stage one was mainly about my welcome post and the style of Architecture I will implement.

Stage two involves me making several sketches and developing my ideas by drawing till I come up with a final design and layout for the social housing flats

Stage three is where I will conduct research into Architects who are involved in housing and residential Architecture 

Stage four I will begin research into the target market as well as materials which will be used in the construction of the high-rise flats 

Stage five is where I will begin the SketchUp process of creating a 3d model on the software

Stage six is where I will establish the theme of greenery and sustainability and the concept of my project. I will develop this theme as time goes on as I haven't concluded yet 

Stage seven involves research into the site as well as site plan analysis. 

Stage eight is the final aspect of the mind map where I will conclude all the objectives of my project.
The housing flats with the name Horizon Tower will be a safe and serene environment where families can thrive due to the exclusivity of the space. It will also be a diverse community open to all races and ethnicities which does not promote discrimination and racism. Green spaces and sustainability which will be visible all around the flats will promote eco-friendliness and contribute to the preservation of the natural environment.

This mind map is not a concluded version of how the build-up to the final outcome of my project will be planned out. However, it is just a brief illustration of what I have in mind as well as the overall ideas. Therefore, the planning process may change as time goes on 

In my next blog post, I will delve more into the objectives of my project theme outlined in my brief. 



  1. This post or the next shoud discuss the ideas you had, rather less on the creation of your mind map.


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