FINAL INITIAL SKETCH

After I made two more sketches to find out what my design would be, I decided that enough was enough because I did not want what happened last term to happen this term. Last term it took a very long time for me before I was able to come up with a design which slowed down my progress. This made me extremely occupied in the last few weeks of the term. In order not for that to occur again I took it upon myself to make one more sketch which will be my final sketch. Whether I liked it or not that would be what I will settle with. I then took a gamble but in the end I actually liked the design.  

When I began I had little to no inspiration and I spent one-hour sitting in front of the drawing board. Then I got onto the internet trying to find inspiration. That also took almost an hour because I didn't like anything I was looking at. Then finally, I chanced upon a residential suite in Ontario named Habour Walk condos. I let out a big internal sigh because I finally found what I was looking for.


I will make an independent blog post based on this residential building but below is the picture which inspired me. The main inspiration I derived from this was the stair-like feature but in the blog post which I will make soon, I will analyze its design into depth. 

I used the same materials and tools I used in my previous sketches which were my pencil, ruler and the light board. I began by drawing the main shape and I made the drawing from the bottom up. The building has 6 floors in total which recede till the last floor to create a staircase effect. 

This was the final outcome of my sketch. After using a pencil I used a pen to trace to make the lines bold before I scanned it. Each floor has terraces which residents can walk out to to enjoy the scenery. Each resident has one door which opens to the terrace. There is a blockage on each side to prevent another resident from entering another terrace space. The suites towards the last floor have fewer rooms and those towards the bottom have more rooms. This is based on the staircase-themed design. I did not fully complete this because I will use this design to complete the colour task. With regards to the colour task, I am supposed to design the building using one colour theme. I am happy with the outcome of this but I have more work to do to perfect this design. 


Phinney Real Estate (n.d.). Lakeview Harbourfront, Mississauga. [online] Phinney Real Estate. Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2024].


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