
Showing posts from December, 2023


                                       TARGET AUDIENCE RESEARCH The target audience is a group of people in society in which a product or service is being marketed. With effective marketing and promotion, this target market can be kept as the main consumers of a service or a product The recreational center will be located in Brighton. The main target market will be Gen Z individuals who are both schooling and who have either part-time or full-time jobs. This includes the Heterosexual and the LGBTQ community. In Brighton, 24% of the population consists of young adults  The city's population in 2020 is estimated to have increased by 900 people (0.3%) since 2019 and by 7,700 people which is (2.7%) since 2015.                                      Brighton and Hove Demographics According to this graph of the census that was done in Brighton and Hove in the year 2021, it is evident that the highest point or peak is around the ages of 18-20 which is 2.2 % of the population and other high


  During this session in class, we were tasked to create a Google form for our fellow classmates to give us feedback on the features displayed on the site. I then placed the form into the navigation bar of my website to make it easier for people to access. This blog is an analysis and breakdown of the responses I got from the feedback form                                                                                 All of the respondents thought my homepage was good and had the appropriate features as well as a good layout  The navigation section was well designed on my website for easy accessibility on my website  website My page had royalty-free and copyright-free images. The site has a dark theme so these images blend well with it  My about me page was simple and well organized hence it was seen as creative I made sure  I edited my website in both computer mode and mobile mode to make sure the layouts are accurate. Hence all of them were pleased with the design  All of the respon


REFLECTION ON THE TERMS WORK                                                      Indoor Recreational Centre- SketchUp                                                                  This term, my major project was to design an indoor recreational center and in doing so, I have acquired a range of skills as well as learned how to use a variety of software. At the beginning of the term, I had no knowledge about the use of Blogger for the documentation of information. But through the various class sessions and personal time I spent building this blog I now know how to navigate and use this platform and navigate my way around. The learning process was stressful and tough but I have been able to accomplish many things. I got to learn how to use software such as SketchUp to build the model of my project, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop to modify my pictures to a high standard and to create my design boards. I also used Pixlr to edit photos for my projects as well. I am familiar with