To visualize what the end result of our project would look like, We were tasked to create a prototype during our free time. For my prototype the main materials I used was mount board, grey board and adhersive glue for bonding. The main tools I used was a ruler, pencil too mark out parts and a craft knife to accurately cut out the pieces needed.
As you can see from the image above, I assembled the materials I needed and began to cut the mount board out with the craft knife and a ruler .
After cutting out the required pieces I began to glue the ground floor sections together using adhesive glue. I am well accustomed to the usage of this glue hence carrying out the bonding process was not difficult for me.
At the top right corner you can see that I completed the ground floor and the first floor. I also used a pen to draw in the terrace sections as well as the doors leading to the terrace. On the green cutting mat I was cutting out the remaining pieces I needed to complete the prototype.
The images above are pictures I took of my prototype. As you can see I also added grass to the surrounding area of the prototype to depict the landscape I will create for my final project. After I used the mount board I made a decision to go with 3d printing of the part needed for my final 3d model. This is because even though I can cut pieces out well, cutting all those pieces will be stressful. Using CAD software to draw out the dimensions will also be more accurate.
Considering what you were working with, this was a decent effort - would be better if you could give an idea about the dimensions as well in this post (ie what scale is the model in?).