
Showing posts from April, 2024


TUTORIAL SIGN OFF  THE SHARD-LONDON   Week 3 in Art Portfolio was mainly dedicated to tutorials. There were not many classes so instead of our usual class sessions there were studio sessions where we were supposed to develop our ideas and continue with my blogs. I was able to complete a few initial sketches but they weren't up to my desired taste. I will come back to my self-criticism but for now, let me delve into what my tutorial entailed.  It started off with my tutor reviewing my pre-project plan outline which includes my main objectives, tasks I will accomplish according to each week as well as the materials I will be using. In my project brief, I was supposed to design a social unit with a holding capacity of 200 residents but I negotiated for it to be brought down to 120 residents.  To make my site plan look better I suggested that I will want to purchase pro markers from the Works to make my site plan sketch look more professional and accurately done.  My tutor also pointed


                                 JEAN NOUVEL- MONAD TERRACE This post is mainly an expansion of my previous post regarding my idea generation. The Social Housing sector demands precision and the ability to experiment with varying ideas. Hence, this task I would say was coincidentally given to me to challenge me and pull me out of my comfort zone.  For this blog, I will conduct research into Jean Nouvel who was and still is one of the most influential and creative Architects France birthed.  JEAN NOUVEL  Jean Nouvel was born in the year 1945 in Fumel, France. After he enrolled at the Ecol des Beaux-Arts in Bordeaux, he obtained the first position in the entrance exam due to his high intellect and intelligence in the year 1966. He then went on to further his undergraduate studies and obtained his degree in the year 1971.  He began his professional career in 1970 after he became an assistant to Claude Parent and was inspired by urban planner and essayist Paul Virilio. He then became one o


            CREATING STUDIES OF PREVIOUS DESIGNS For this segment in the developmental phase of my project, I am still brainstorming on what ideas to stick with hence my sketches and drawings are not the best. I ended up picking the rectangular-shaped structure to base my further ideas on. This sketch is very basic and below my sketching skills as an Architecture student. This sketch was a freestyle sketch so I didn't even know what I was initially doing. But when you analyze the sketch, you will see a triangular structure attached to the rectangular high-rise building. The rectangular glass building is somewhat like where the reception and main meeting point of the social housing unit is. The rectangular building is the main residential space.  For this second sketch, I tried to make a perspective view drawing of a triangular building but it came out looking more like a square-shaped structure. The rectangles and squares more or less represent windows. Then again this sketch was e


                               DEVELOPING MY IDEAS THROUGH ART  In the first session of Art Portfolio this week we began developing the ideas we have regarded our respective projects. As my idea is a Social housing Unit, I made two separate developing ideas regarding the Social Unit.                                              AUTOMOBILE IN CORSA- GIACOMO BALLA The first quick sketch was inspired by the Velocity of An Automobile artwork by Giacomo Balla in the year 1913 which can be seen above.  I implemented the levelled lines which look stacked into my drawing. Since it is a housing project, I made four blocks of apartments using a liner ink pen. This was a very basic sketch I made to figure out the kind of design I would want to use in my project. This was quite basic so I moved on to another idea. For my second experimental idea, I wanted to use watercolour to paint the building. I tried to create a curved structure with green plants spread across the terraces and balcony of the b


                                             IDEA GENERATION POST 2  This post is mainly an expansion of my previous post regarding my idea generation. The Social Housing sector demands precision and the ability to experiment with varying ideas. Hence, this task I would say was coincidentally given to me to challenge me and pull me out of my comfort zone.  With regards to the design of the flats for residency, I currently have an idea of making multiple blocks for residency or one main building where all residents will reside. This will be an ultra modern themed structure. For the interior of the rooms minimalistic and modern interior will be incorporated to make the inner space feel cool and aesthetic whilst being a cozy home for families, and single residents as well.  As I mentioned in the previous blog, the presence of flora and greenery will be extremely visible on the premises. As an aspiring Architect, I persevere to promote environmentalism in my designs to preserve the natural


                           IDEA GENERATION IN THE FIRST SESSION At the beginning of the session in class, everyone was given a brief relating to their course. Art Portfolio 2 is different from Art Portfolio 1 in the sense that in Art Portfolio 2 the project outline is more specific and you are required to follow precise procedures. I was handed a brief and the project I am supposed to work on is social housing in Cromwell located in the United States of America. Cromwell was destroyed by a devastating fire outbreak which took the lives of many residents and also destroyed property. Therefore it is up to my Art Portfolio class to rebuild the city according to the projects all of us have been given. These are schools, cultural centres, and hospitals amongst others. The project I was giving was blocks of flats for Social housing. These are high-rise apartments designated to the residents of Cromwell where families can reside. To begin the project, the initial step any designer must take i


                                 WELCOME POST FOR TERM THREE Term three has officially gone full swing and I plan to put in my best by hook or crook. All too soon my time at DMUIC is coming to an end.  Last term I was able to improve my time management and multi-tasking skills because I wanted to take the module head-on to prevent regrets. I was also able to improve on my hand sketches concerning my project. My project was an Art Gallery situated in Paris hence I needed a lot of precision and accuracy. I did not really understand what drawing to scale was but through my constant sketches and comprehension of dimensions I was able to grasp that aspect. I also improved my SketchUp skills because I began the process earlier compared to the previous term when I began late and had no idea what I was doing. For my 3D final outcome, I visited the 3D printing workshop to cut out pieces of clear acrylic for the windows of my structure which can be seen in my previous blogs. I wanted to go easy